Hello, Linux

In this tutorial, you will learn some basic commands for navigating the Linux filesystem and for working on remote Linux hosts. It should take you about 90-120 minutes to work through this tutorial.

Before you can run lab experiments on Chameleon, you will need to set up an account and join a project under the supervision of a research advisor or a course instructor. If you haven’t set up your Chameleon account yet, follow the instructions in Hello, Chameleon to do so.

Reserve and log in to resources on Chameleon

For this experiment, you will need a single server on Chameleon. You can use the instructions in Hello, Chameleon to set up a server.

Then, open an SSH session to the server in either of two ways:

Distinguishing local and remote terminals

Exercise - local and remote terminals

For Chameleon-based lab assignments, the only commands you will run on your local host (your laptop are PC) are SSH or SCP commands, to log in to or transfer files from hosts on Chameleon. All other commands will run on remote hosts on Chameleon. It’s therefore very important to be able to identify where a command will run. You can do this by looking at the terminal prompt!

When you first open a new terminal window in the terminal application (such as cmder, iTerm2, built in Terminal app) that is installed on your laptop or PC, you’ll have a local shell open. Make a note of what the prompt looks like. For example, mine looks like this in the built-in terminal application on my Linux PC:


It shows my username (ffund), hostname (ffund-xps), my current working directory (~, which is shorthand for my home directory), and then a $ to signify that I’m working as a normal (unprivileged) user. (If I was working as the privileged “root” user, the prompt would end with a # instead.) Yours may look similar, or very different - it will depend what type of terminal application you are using.

When you log in to a remote host using an ssh command, the terminal prompt will change - at the very least, it will show the hostname of the remote host instead of the hostname on the laptop you are working on. When working on remote hosts, the prompt is useful for determining where you are running a command.

In particular, if your SSH session is idle for some time, you may find that you get disconnected from the remote host on Chameleon (“chiserver” in the example below). When you try to type a command in the terminal window, you’ll see something like this:

cc@chiserver:~$ packet_write_wait: Connection to port 25106: Broken pipe

This indicates that you’ve been disconnected from the remote host, and any command you run now will execute on your local system, and not on the remote host. To log back in to the remote host, just use the “up” arrow on your keyboard to fill in the last command you ran - which will have been the SSH login command - and then hit “Enter”.

Keep an eye on that terminal prompt while you are working on the lab exercises in this course, since the lab procedures only “work” if you run the commands in the right place! You may get disconnected without realizing it. If you run a command and don’t get the expected output, check the terminal prompt to make sure that your SSH session is still alive.

Note All of the commands in this experiment, except for SSH and SCP commands, should be executed in the terminal on the remote host you have reserved on Chameleon.

Learning the basics of the Bash shell

When you run commands in a terminal environment, you are actually programming the computer. Each command is a line of code, that is then executed by an interpreter.

(You may be familiar with the idea of an interpreter if you have ever used Python - in interpreted programming languages, code is not translated into machine code by a compiler in advance of execution. Instead, the code is translated into machine code, one line at a time, by an interpreter as the program runs.)

The most common shell, or command language interpreter, you’ll encounter on Linux systems, and the one we’ll use in this course, is called Bash. In this lab exercise, you will learn some basic commands you can use to “program” in the Bash shell environment.

We will start with the standard “hello world” exercise that is often a first introduction to a new computing environment or language.

For the standard “hello world” exercise, we use the echo command to print a quoted string to the terminal output. At the terminal prompt on the remote host, type:

echo "Hello world"

and then hit Enter to run the command you’ve just entered.

Like other programming languages, you can define and use variables in the Bash shell. To see how this works, try defining a new variable called mymessage by assigning a value to it:

mymessage="hello world"

(note that there is no space on either side of the =).

You can then access the value stored in the variable in your Bash “code” by prefacing the variable name with a $ sign. Try running:

echo $mymessage

In addition to assigning a value to a variable manually, you can also make a variable take on the output of a command as its value. For example, the command whoami will return your current username. Try running it now:


To assign its output to a variable, we enclose it in $() when doing the assignment - this tells the shell to evaluate the command and use its output:


You can now use the myname variable in another command:

echo "$mymessage, $myname"

You can even use the output of one command directly in another command, without assigning it to a variable - try

echo "$mymessage, $(whoami)"

This feature is known as command substitution.

Exercise - tab autocompletion

Many terminals have a feature called “tab autocompletion” where, when you type a partial command and then press the Tab key, it will finish the command for you.

Let’s try this with the whoami command. First write out the entire command:


When you hit Enter, you should see that this command returns your username. Now try typing just


and then hit Tab. At the prompt, the rest of the command whoami should be filled out, and you can then hit Enter to run it.

Tab autocompletion will only fill out the entire command if only one command on the system matches what you’ve entered so far. If there are multiple matching commands, Tab will show you all of them. You’ll have to continue typing out the one you want until there is only one match, and then Tab will autocomplete it for you. Try typing


without hitting Enter and then hit Tab to see how this works.

Tab autocompletion also works for file and directory names, for arguments to many commands, and for variables.

For example, suppose you save the string “hello world” in a new variable called mymessage like this:

mymessage="hello world"

(note that there is no space on either side of the =).

You can then type

echo $mym

without hitting Enter and hit Tab, and it will be autocompleted to echo $mymessage (which will print “hello world” to the terminal output).

Exercise - History

It’s often useful to be able to see and re-run commands you’ve previously run.

You can use the up arrow and down arrow keys to scroll through your previous commands. Or, to see your command history all at once, run


You’ll note that each line in the output of the history command has a number next to it, with which you can re-run that command. To run a command that appears as number 1 in your history, run


or, to quickly run your last command again (without having to specify the number), you can run


Sometimes you want to run the same command again, but with different arguments; or run a different command on the same arguments (for example, if you are doing several operations on a file.) Here are some useful shortcuts you can try:

!:0 # command only of last command in history
!^  # first argument of last command in history
!*  # all arguments of last command in history
!$  # last argument of last command in history

In this section, you will learn about the structure of the Linux filesystem, and some basic commands for navigating the filesystem: pwd, ls, cd, mkdir

Exercise - Basic filesystem navigation

First, check where you are currently located in the filesystem with the pwd (“print working directory”) command:


Next, list the contents of the directory you are in:


To create a new directory inside our current directory, run mkdir and specify a name for the new directory, like

mkdir new

You can change directory by running cd and specifying the directory you want to change to. For example, to change to the directory you’ve just created, run

cd new

and then use


again to verify your current working directory.

Exercise - Relative and absolute paths

You may have noticed that when you run the pwd command in your terminal, it gives you a full path with several directory names separated by a / character. This is a full path. For example, after running the commands above, I would see the following output for pwd:


When you run commands that involve a file or directory, you can always give a full path, which starts with a / and contains the entire directory tree up until the file or directory you are interested in. For example, if my home directory is /home/cc, I can run

cd /home/cc

to return to your home directory. Alternatively, you can give a path that is relative to the directory you are in. For example, when I am inside my home directory (/home/cc), which has a directory called new inside it, I can navigate into the new directory with a relative path:

cd new

or the absolute path:

cd /home/cc/new

The concepts and commands in this section will be essential for future lab assignments. They will be especially important when you use scp to retrieve data from your experiments (which you’ll learn more about shortly) - you will need to be able to find out the absolute path of the file you want to retrieve, so that you can use it in your scp command.

Some useful shortcuts for navigating the filesystem:

Try these commands. Before and after each cd command, run pwd to see where you have started and where you ended up after running the command.

cd       # takes you to your home directory
cd ..    # takes you one directory "higher" from where you were before
cd ~     # takes you to your home directory
cd ../.. # takes you two directories "higher" from where you were before
cd -     # takes you to the directory you were in before the last time you ran "cd"

Then, return to your home directory.

Working with files and directories

In this section, you will learn how to work with files and directories, using the commands: cp, rm, mv, cat, wget, nano

Exercise - Creating a file

The easiest way to create a file is to just open it for editing in your terminal session. We will use the nano text editor to open file called newfile.txt:

nano newfile.txt

You can type some text into this file, then use Ctrl + O to write it out to file, and hit Enter to confirm the file name to which to save. Near the bottom of the screen, it should say e.g. “[ Wrote 1 line ]”. Then use Ctrl + X to exit.

To see the contents of a file, we can print the contents of the file to the terminal output with cat:

cat newfile.txt

You can edit an existing file with nano, too. Open the file again with

nano newfile.txt

and you can change its contents. The use Ctrl + O to write it out to file, and hit Enter to confirm the file name to which to save. Use Ctrl + X to exit.

You will use nano often in the lab, for example when you are asked to modify a configuration file for a networked service. Take a few moments now to practice using it and become familiar with how it works.

Exercise - copying and moving files around the filesystem

You may already know how to use a graphical file explorer to copy and paste files, or move files around a filesystem. But it’s very useful to also know how to do this in a non-graphical terminal session.

To copy a file, we use cp, and give the source and destination file names as arguments:

cp newfile.txt copy.txt

To move (or rename) a file, we use the mv command:

mv copy.txt mycopy.txt

and we use rm to delete a file:

rm mycopy.txt

With rm, there is no “Recycle Bin” and no getting back files you’ve deleted accidentally - so be very, very careful.

For this lab course, you may occasionally have to modify system configuration files that require system administrator privileges to edit. On Linux, to signal to the operating system that we want to run a command with admin privileges, we preface the command with sudo - “superuser do”.

Try this now - open the log file /etc/services:

nano /etc/services

and try to add a comment (a line of text that begins with the # character) at the beginning of the file:

# this is a comment

Then, try to save your edit with Ctrl+O. You should see an error message: “Error writing /etc/services: Permission denied”.

To edit this file, you will need to use sudo. First, quit your current nano session with Ctrl+X (when prompted to save your changes, type N for No.) Then, open the file again with sudo:

sudo nano /etc/services

Now, you should be able to add the line

# this is a comment

at the beginning of the file, and then save the file before quitting nano.

Exercise - flags, man page and --help

Bash utilities typically have some flags you can use to modify the way they behave, or what their output looks like.

For example, take the ls command. We can:

With most utilities, you can use the --help flag to find out how to use the utility and what flags are available for it:

ls --help

You can also use the man command to read the complete user manual for a command. Try

man ls

This is not exclusive to the ls command - virtually every Linux command has some extra help output or a man page associated with it, that you can use to learn how to use it.

Exercise - Retrieving files from the Internet

Use wget to download a file from the Internet.

For example, to download a file I’ve put at https://witestlab.poly.edu/bikes/README.txt we can run

wget https://witestlab.poly.edu/bikes/README.txt

Then, use


to verify that you have retrieved the file, and

cat README.txt

see its contents. Similarly, you can download anything from the web by URL.

Note: Occasionally, students may see the following error when attempting this exercise:

Resolving witestlab.poly.edu (witestlab.poly.edu)… failed: Temporary failure in name resolution. wget: unable to resolve host address ‘witestlab.poly.edu’

This can happen if there is a problem with the DNS server at the testbed site you are using. To practice using wget, you can just use a different URL instead. For example:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teaching-on-testbeds/hello-linux/main/index.md

Manipulating output of a command

In this section, you will learn how to use the commands head, tail, less, and grep to manipulate the output of a command. You’ll also learn how to do I/O redirection with > and >>.

Exercise - See more or less

When working in a terminal session, we’ll often want to see more or less of a command that has a lot of output.

As an example, we will use the file /etc/services. This file lists networked service names, along with the port number and transport-layer protocol each one uses.

If you run

cat /etc/services

to see the contents of the file, you won’t see much - there’s just too much output, and it goes by too quickly.

To see the beginning of the file, use

head /etc/services

To see just the end, use

tail /etc/services

You can also specify the number of lines to see with either command, with e.g.

head --lines=5 /etc/services


tail --lines=10 /etc/services

To page through one line of output at a time, use

less /etc/services

which will show the entire file, but one “page” at a time. Use Enter, the up and down arrow keys, or the Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll through the file, or press q to quit at any time.

One useful feature of less is the ability to search for a word. Suppose you want to know what port the smtp mail service uses. You can open the file with

less /etc/services

Then, while the file is open with less, type


and hit Enter. This will search the file for the first occurence of the word smtp, go to that part of the file, and highlight the matching word. (Once you have tried this, you can use q to close the file.)

Finally, suppose you want to be able to see only lines matching a particular pattern. There’s a very powerful utility called grep that allows us to filter a file or other input to see only those lines that contain a particular word. For example, to see lines containing the word “ftp”, you can run

grep "ftp" /etc/services

and you will see only the lines containing the word “ftp”. Note that this is case-sensitive; you won’t see the same lines if you run

grep "FTP" /etc/services

Exercise - I/O redirection and pipes

For example, suppose we want to get all of the lines in /etc/services related to services that operate over the UDP networking protocol. We can save those lines to a file called udp-services.txt in our home directory, by using the > operator to redirect the output of the grep command:

grep "udp" /etc/services > ~/udp-services.txt

We may occasionally want to send the output of a command to a file, but append to an existing file rather than create a new one (as > does). To append to an existing file we will use >>.

For example, to create a file called routing-services.txt that contains the lines in /etc/services related to the routing services ripd and bgpd, run

grep "ripd" /etc/services > ~/routing-services.txt
grep "bgpd" /etc/services >> ~/routing-services.txt

The second line won’t overwrite the text that is written to routing-services.txt in the first line; it will append to the file instead.

One valuable feature of the Bash shell is the ability to “chain” together multiple utilities by using the pipe operator, |. This operator takes the output of the command before the pipe, and uses it as input to the command after the pipe.

We can use this feature to filter the output of any command with grep (although that’s not the only usage!). For example, suppose we want to see the MAC address of every network interface card on the host. We can “pipe” the output of the ip addr command to grep:

ip addr | grep "ether"

We can even use the pipe operator to connect more than two commands. For example, let’s try using the awk utility to print only the second “column” of output from the previous command:

ip addr | grep "ether" | awk '{print $2}'

If you see a piped command sequence and you’re unsure what each part does, a good way to find out is to gradually build up the sequence from left to right. For example, for the command sequence above, if you want to find out what it does you might first run:

ip addr 

Then add

ip addr | grep "ether" 

to see how the output of ip addr is modified by the grep command. Finally, run

ip addr | grep "ether" | awk '{print $2}'

and compare to the previous output, to see what the awk command does.

Release resources

When you are finished with this experiment, make sure to release your resources and free them for other experimenters.

Questions about this material? Contact Fraida Fund

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2231984. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.